Carnival Masks
Wearing masks during the Carnival means becoming anonymous and be who you want to be, and in many cases do what you want to do.
This is what Carnival represents to me, including having lots of fun and laugh.
During my childhood and my early adulthood years, I would dress up and parade across the streets with other enthusiasts.
It was fun, and I loved it.
In fact, my dear dad joined me various times, with other friends and family members. I believe that my dad left his fun side with to me.
Today, I understand that the Carnival Season might has a different meaning for different people and cultures. Should you be interested to learn a bit more about this subject, here it is an article that summarizes the origins of the masks in different cultures.
However, today my point is about spontaneity.
As mentioned before, when you are wearing a mask you become kind of anonymous.
You have an opportunity to let your true SELF come out. You feel free to finally be YOU.
How many of you wear a “mask” in your day-to-day life, never truly allowing your true-self expressing it self?
Most of us create an identity, hiding who we really are. The problem is that you are suppressing life by doing that.
Your soul wants to express itself through you!
That’s why loving and accepting yourself is so important.
Being spontaneous is giving yourself the opportunity to your true self, to express itself and guide you to what gives you pleasure, and to what you should be focusing on.
Spontaneity opens the door to your creativity. Ideas start do flow.
Everyone is creative, some might need to exercise this muscle a little more than others.
The problem is that many of you are simply suppressing your true self of expressing itself or, simply don’t believe in your capacities.
And, as Henry Ford says,
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
Therefore, start thinking positively about yourself.
Let your true self come up and start to live in alignment with the greatness that you are.
Before you go, I would like to invite you to watch this short video where I share a bit of Carnival and the power of spontaneity.
You can choose: English (Eng) or Portuguese (PT).
Hope you enjoy and have fun as much as I did.
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